Cleaned-Up RSS Feeds for Elite:Dangerous

Elite:Dangerous RSS Proxies

There are a number of RSS feeds provided for Elite:Dangerous. There are lots of things which can use RSS feeds.

Unfortunately some of these things can be very particular about the format of the feeds and will refuse to use feeds if they miss certain elements or have mistakes.

This page has links to cleaned-up proxies which present the same information in a more usable format.

Elite: Dangerous Galnet News - English

Added links and line breaks amongst a few other things.
Link: Galnet RSS News Feed
Original Source:

Elite: Dangerous Galnet News - Deutsch

Added links and line breaks amongst a few other things.
Link: Galnet RSS News Feed (Deutsch)
Original Source:

Elite: Dangerous Galnet News - Francais

Added links and line breaks amongst a few other things.
Link: Galnet RSS News Feed (Francais)
Original Source:

LaveRadio Podcasts

Has the correct encoding.
Link: LaveRadio Podcasts RSS Feed
Original Source:

LaveRadio Episode List

Web pages for each episode of LaveRadio, with title
Link: LaveRadio Episode List RSS Feed
Original Source:


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© 2015 Cmdr Lazy Llama / GoneGeeky - all feed contents are copyright of the original providers.